Phone: 509-656-9997 (if you do not receive a call back in 48 hours please send an E-Mail)
Address: P.O. Box 155
Easton, WA 98925
Directions: Located approx. 10 miles East of
Snoqualmie Summit. Heading East on I-90 take Exit # 62 onto Stampede Pass Road. Turn right at stop and continue for approx.1 mile. Driveway is on the left.
Address: 314 Stampede Pass Road
Easton, WA 98925
Note:Use P.O Box address for mail and correspondence.

Trollhaugen Wish List
Our venders and contacts can purchase wish list items, so that those items will work with what we already have. Please note what items you wish Trollhaugen to purchase with your donations.
Electric deep sided fry pan (Faberware style)
Rug Doctor (carpet cleaner)
Misc. hand tools (wrenches, screwdrivers, 1/2 " socket set)
Coin operated front load washing machine (see Erick Balstad
Cooking hot pads & dish towels.
$100.00 to Trollhaugen's general fund will get your name on the plaque in the hallway.
Thank you!